I remember when I was about five years old, maybe even younger, my Mom told me that to have eternal life with Jesus one day I would have to believe that He was my savior and I am a sinner who could not live forever on my own. That’s why He died for me. I knew for sure I did not want to go to hell, so I pretty much asked Jesus into my heart every night for that month just to make sure I would make it into heaven, and I also made a little speech up inside my head so I would know what to say to Jesus when I got to heaven so He would let me in.

I later learned of course this is not really how it works. I needed to accept the fact that I am a complete sinner, and without His love and forgiveness I would not even be able to come close to Him. I needed to have Him in my life. When I was really young, I worried because singing and worshipping God in heaven didn’t sound like the best way to spend an eternity. I only wanted to live forever. But, I still enjoyed going to church and singing worship songs and reading my Bible.

This last summer when I went to visit my grandpa who was diagnosed with cancer, I noticed he always had this constant smile on his face, even when he was sleeping. I wondered why he was so happy even though he was going through a lot. Then I realized he really had this peace that came from the Holy Spirit, and I wanted that same peace he had so badly.

I was reading things in the Bible like when Stephen was put to death, he had a total peace about him and I always thought that was so awesome.  I knew I really wanted to be baptized to show I was a Christian. Then not too long ago, Mr. Falconer was talking about how baptism and communion go hand in hand. I had been taking communion for a while and felt like baptism was totally appropriate for me. I have loved reading my Bible every morning and getting to know about, and learn about, God. I can’t wait to see what He has planned for me, whether it’s good or bad. And if it is something I don’t want to do, I want to have the same peace I saw in my grandpa.

55 But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.  56 And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:55-56)